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Jewelry over 10000 euros - Antique precious jewelry - Exceptional diamond rings

Diamond solitaire ring, natural pearl earrings, sapphire brooch, long gold necklace... the jewels we propose here have unique and amazing characteristics. You will find, in this category of jewels at more than 10000 €, unique pieces presenting rare precious or fine stones in terms of quality or size, frames with very refined and qualitative realization of the best craftsmen, and jewels with exceptional history. Antique or modern jewelry worthy of the greatest jewelers, certified by our trusted expert and gemologist. Whether it is for an engagement, the celebration of an important event or a wedding anniversary, choose an exceptional precious object, worthy of the symbol that it will represent.

Do not hesitate to contact us so that we can guide you in your purchase of exceptional high jewelry.


Home > JEWELRY > Price > Jewelry over 10000 euros
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27 products of 78

Jewelry over 10000 euros

BAUME Jewelry is also:

100% secure



with insurance

or refunded


by our Gemologists
and Approved Experts

of authenticity

issued for each jewel