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Jewelry appraisal : have your jewelry appraised by a certified jewelry Appraiser

What is a jewelry expertise ?

A jewelry appraisal is an estimation of the value of a piece of jewelry at a given moment. The jewelry Appraiser who carries it out delivers an oral jewelry expertise or a written jewelry expertise with the drafting of a unique certificate and subjected to strict rules.
He describes as precisely as possible the characteristics, authenticates and estimates the jewel which is entrusted to him. The jewelry appraisal will thus make it possible to determine several characteristics :

  • The nature of the metal or metals that make up the frame
  • The quality of the manufacture of the jewel
  • The nature and quality of the stones
  • The period of the jewel
  • The condition of the jewel
  • The possible jewel transformations
  • The value of the jewel at the time of the expertise

The jewelry certificate issued is a true "identity card" of the jewelry that must be able to accompany it in all circumstances. 

Beware of jewelry estimates...

Many people claim to be able to make a jewelry estimate...
Many are the self-proclaimed jewelry appraisers who give you an approximate value of your jewelry. The risk is that the value of your jewel is erroneous, over or underestimated, by someone who does not master the exact values or ratings of the object. You may not only be misled, but also have your claim rejected or greatly reduced in the event of a claim or dispute.
The person who made the estimate is nevertheless responsible. So be careful and check the references of your interlocutor before any jewelry estimate or expertise.
Maison Baume offers you its jewelry appraisal service in Poitiers. You benefit from the knowledge of our 2 Gemmologists - Appraisers in Antique Jewels approved by the National Company of Art Experts and the National Chamber of Experts Specialized in Art Objects.

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Who can perform a jewelry appraisal ?

To make estimate its jewels in good and due form cannot be carried out by anybody.
Indeed, for a jewelry appraisal to be valid, it must be carried out by an officially Approved jewelry Appraiser. This person must be recognized by his peers by being a member of a Company of Experts and have the required experience and the necessary diplomas to evaluate the price of the jewels which are entrusted to him.
In the specific case of jewelry, the jewelry expertise is a delicate act. To have a jewel or a precious stone appraised requires a perfect knowledge of the metals composing them, their manufacturing technique, their history and evolution through the ages as well as a perfect knowledge of Gemology, the science of gems. This last point is very important. The jewelry expert must have a real knowledge of gems which has been verified by a recognized diploma in gemology.
He must also follow regular training courses to update his knowledge of the new means of recognizing real and fake stones, cutting techniques, treatments imposed on stones...
Beyond his role of Jewel Appraiser, he is mandated within the framework of a mission of confidence and can also have a role of advice if you wish to sell, buy or transmit a jewel. The Jewel Appraiser is naturally held to the strictest confidentiality.

What are the advantages of having your jewelry appraised ?

The estimation of your jewels can allow you to know the real value of your jewels in a very precise framework. The objectives can be different :

  • To carry out a complete jewelry inventory by checking each piece of jewelry.
  • To carry out a preliminary expertise in order to insure your jewels and thus avoid any depreciation of your goods in case of theft.
  • To know the value of your goods in view of an inheritance, a division or a donation.
  • Prepare an auction sale;
  • Benefit from advice in the management of your assets.
Why have your jewelry appraised ?

Contact us for any jewelry expertise request

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by our Gemologists
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of authenticity

issued for each jewel