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Women's white gold chain bracelet - Second hand white gold bracelet - Diamodn white gold bracelet

Find the unique white gold bracelet to please yourself or to offer to an exceptional woman. Whether it is a watch or a white gold or platinum band, a satin metal, textured or diamond embellished, the jewelry offered on this site can be both antique bracelets for history lovers or more contemporary with modern bracelets. The bracelets and watches for men and women are jewelry that have stood the test of time to remain popular. They go perfectly with other jewelry such as rings. The most luxurious bracelets are adorned with diamonds.

Home > BRACELETS > Metal > White gold bracelet

Women's white gold bracelet

La Maison Baume, online jewelry store or in Poitiers is an expert in jewelry. A gemmologist selects the bracelets and offers you unique, precious, quality jewels whether they are new or old. A certificate of authenticity will be attached to your purchase to confirm the composition of the metals and stones, but also the period or the origin of the jewel.

BAUME Jewelry is also:

100% secure



with insurance

or refunded


by our Gemologists
and Approved Experts

of authenticity

issued for each jewel