For a personalized customer service we are here for you by phone at +33 549 411 819 or by email at
- 1918 -
Robert Fleury is an antique dealer in Paris. He identifies good deals for his clients.
- 1968 -
Specialists in works of Art and interior decoration, Geneviève and Jean-François BAUME worked in Paris until 1975.
- 1973 -
- 1976 -
They moved to the region of Poitiers and opened their first business in Bonneuil-Matours - Vienne.
Geneviève et Jean-François BAUME found the SARL Baume and opened a store as general antique dealers in Mirebeau - Vienne. During these years, their passion for antique jewelry prevails and they refine their knowledges of the stones and the eras and styles of jewelry.
- 1985 -
- 1991 -
The Maison Baume settled at 1 bis rue Saint Nicolas in Poitiers, an address it has been occupying since more than 35 years.
Geneviève Baume is trained in Gemmology and obtains her first Diploma in Gemmology.
- 1993 -
The Maison Baume becomes an approved member of the French National Chamber of Experts (CNES) for Antique Jewelry and Goldsmithery. This chamber brings together the best French and international specialists in Works of Art.
- 1996 -
- 2000 -
Geneviève Baume continued her training at the University of Nantes and obtained her degree in gemmology with a thesis on the Regional Jewels of the Museum of Obrée in NANTES
The Maison Baume becomes a Referent Expert with the courts and domain sales.
- 2007 -
Launching of the website and publication of the first jewels online.
- 2011 -
Geneviève Baume becomes vice-president of the CNES, which now has more than 200 members from all specialties around the world.
- 2013-
Emilie Baume, eldest daughter of Geneviève and Jean-François Baume, takes over the family business.
- 2015 -
New version of the website.
- 2017 -
- 2018 -
Emilie Baume obtained her Diploma in Gemmology from the Gemmological Association of Great Britain (Gem-A).
Geneviève Baume becomes President of the National Chamber of Experts (CNES).
Maison Baume participates in the first edition of the Salon de l'Objet D'Art at the Grand Palais in Paris.
Maison Baume opens its first Parisian office and participates in the second edition of the Salon de l'Objet d'Art at the Grand Palais (Paris).
- 2020 -
Maison Baume moves to 28 rue de Magenta, 86000 Poitiers and presents its collections in a new setting.
- 2021 -
Emilie Baume became an accredited member of the Compagnie Nationale des Experts (CNE) in Gemmology - jewelry from the 19th century to the 1970s. This company gathers the best French and international experts in Art.
A new version of is launched.